The Choice Is Yours!

You know, you can learn a lot about someone by how they talk after something happens…good or bad.  Just listen to someone after a big win or a big loss.  This could be in life, in sports, or at work, but just listen, you can learn a lot about them based on the ownership or blame they speak of!  Now some own the wins and not the losses, and some may do the opposite but listen because it’s important.  . . . Read More »

The Challenge Of Seeing Ourselves As God Does, In A World Trying To Ensure We Don’t

You know the other day I was thinking about something Paul said towards the end of Romans, and it’s stuck in my heart and mind lately. This is something that I don’t think too many of us people…and even us Christians who believe Christ lives in us can see or accept about ourselves. Romans 15:14 I am fully convinced, my dear brothers and sisters, that you are full of goodness… NLT Paul says he is convinced that you . . . Read More »

Discouragement Is How Your Soul Processes The Challenging Circumstances Of Life

Welcome everyone to week two of our big fall series on the Soul.  We have jumped into an incredibly important conversation, on the most important part of our lives…the most important, but also the most ignored area of our lives.  We are talking about and focusing on the soul.  This is a big deal because we live in a world full of people who are struggling right now.  People are struggling emotionally, mentally, and relationally.  Our inner worlds . . . Read More »