A popular focus and question when people visit or attend church centers around “Community.” Our priority for all of those who come to MRC is that they are introduced to Jesus and begin to engage and prioritize a personal relationship with Him. That is our highest priority and something that we believe cannot be overlooked or replaced with busyness or activities…even good positive Christian activities. Many hear this and are disappointed. They come to the conclusion that we don’t engage community or that we don’t believe in community or that we ignore community altogether, but that simply isn’t true. We believe in community, and gathering together for fun, for outreach, and to grow! We just will never relent on the most important thing, which is being with Jesus. We believe in this area so much that we are adding a staff member specifically to engage our community for all MRC locations, to plan events for those in the church, outreach events to help reach the community, and to just get a greater pulse of where people are so that we can connect with each other and also help connect those far from God to Him! Sounds fun doesn’t it?
If you are interested in community at MRC or just want to know more about community events at MRC please reach out to Patrick Wolfkill at the contact info below.
Current Community Events:
Bagels and Bites – 2nd Sunday of every month after the service (Dillsburg location)
Meal, Meeting, & Music
When: 1st Thursday every month at 6:30pm at the Warehouse
This will be a time to share a meal together, connect and build community for the Worship Arts Team. If you currently serve on the team or are interested in finding out more about serving, please join us!
Community Movie Nights
See announcements for the latest movie night details!