Have you ever thought or wondered about how you are known or seen or felt by those around you? It’s an important concept but I’m not sure it is one that many of us take too much time to think through. You know how you feel or see others, but have you ever taken the time to consider how you are felt, seen, heard…how you are known? The more we read our Bibles and study God’s word the . . . Read More »
God’s Offer: Forgiveness, Grace, Righteouness
I have three questions for you to begin today. Question 1: Have you experienced God’s forgiveness? That means you lived with guilt and shame because you knew you had sin in your life, and you couldn’t do anything to get rid of it. That guilt and shame seemed to stick to you like cement boots. They wore you out. Then you prayed and asked God to forgive you and you felt God forgive you. The cement boots were shattered. . . . Read More »