Today we are continuing our Christmas series called All I Want for Christmas. This year, we are focusing on the greatest gift and gift giver of them all, Jesus. As we celebrate Jesus and the gift that He is, we want you to understand something that can change everything about your life. Jesus is more than the greatest gift we could ever receive. As we follow Him, we can experience our best lives possible. Believing in Jesus and being a Christian is so much more than just a concept for our minds, it’s how we live our lives . . . Read More »
The Gift of Peace
This Christmas we want you to make the connection. The connection is that in Jesus we find everything our souls are looking for. That’s why Jesus is the greatest gift. Because in Jesus we find hope, peace, joy, grace, salvation, and the Holy Spirit. Sam opened the series last week and helped us understand how to live with hope. He gave us a verse that was ferocious. Job 8:11 Those who forget God have no hope. TLB We . . . Read More »
The One Critical Skill We Need In Our Relationships
The first part in our Journey to Freedom and Courage series dealt with soul issues. Then we made a shift into relationships. Sam opened this up with the talk about how we love. Remember what he said was required? We have to do the hard things and create space in our lives to be able to love. Sam explained that if we do the hard things today, life is easier tomorrow. If we just do what is easy, . . . Read More »
MRC’s Hopes, Dreams, & Prayers For Our Spiritual Family
Well, we made it! We are through the Holidays, and here we stand on the first Sunday of a brand-new year! For some of us, we may be bummed that the holidays are behind us, for others we may feel some relief that we made it through all that comes with the holidays, and for others, we may still be trying to recover from all that those holidays throw at us! Well, regardless of how you feel or . . . Read More »
The Challenge Of Seeing Ourselves As God Does, In A World Trying To Ensure We Don’t
You know the other day I was thinking about something Paul said towards the end of Romans, and it’s stuck in my heart and mind lately. This is something that I don’t think too many of us people…and even us Christians who believe Christ lives in us can see or accept about ourselves. Romans 15:14 I am fully convinced, my dear brothers and sisters, that you are full of goodness… NLT Paul says he is convinced that you . . . Read More »
Top Three Reasons Why People Remain Spiritual Victims
When I was in High School, I had a 1968 cherry red Ford Mustang with a 302 engine in it. I was in great condition too. I worked as a dishwasher at a restaurant called Ponderosa. For Central Pa, it was a Hosses. I would drive to work and park in the back. Every time the trash needed to be taken out, I was the guy to take care of it so I would push the trash to . . . Read More »
The Parable of The Vineyard Workers
The Parables of Jesus Series Continues!
Forgiveness Involves Three People
Last week, we shared how Jesus rocked the disciple’s understanding about God’s kingdom. They just didn’t understand it. They viewed Jesus as the Messiah who would take out Rome with an army and establish a new Kingdom. They thought Jesus would be next King and they would have the key power spots around Jesus. Because of this they argued with each other about who was the greatest. Remember we explained how they wanted power, position, and statues? They . . . Read More »
What The World Thinks Is Great Doesn’t Transfer Into The Kingdom
God’s kingdom is in complete conflict with the kingdom you and I live in. In our world, our understanding of greatness is only available to a few. It’s based on money, achievement, education, power, beauty, title, or followers on social media. In God’s kingdom, it’s radically different. Greatness is available to everyone. It’s based on the condition of our hearts and how we love and serve others. This is why as a Christian; you can feel conflict as . . . Read More »
I Used To Be Excited About God, Now, Not So Much
Have you ever wondered why people respond so differently to God? For example, why would five kids in the same house with the same parents in the same church have five different reactions to God? One may grow up and be deeply in love with God and walk with humility. One may grow up and be okay with God on Christmas Eve and Easter but nothing more. One may grow up and walk completely against how they were . . . Read More »