The Gift Of Salvation – How To Keep It As Fresh As The Day You Accepted It!

We have been having fun in our Christmas conversation called All I Want For Christmas this year.  And here we are, just days before the big day.  This is a beautiful time of year, but it can throw a lot at us, too, can’t it?  We have Christmas parties to attend, shopping to get done, traveling or hosting to get ready for, and many people to engage…some of these people we probably have done a great job avoiding . . . Read More »

The Gift of Salvation

The All I Want For Christmas Series Continues!

The Gift of Hope

It’s hard to believe this, but the Holiday season is upon us!  Time sure flies when you are having fun! With that comes a new series here within our Spiritual Family.  We are calling this series “All I Want for Christmas.”  I know we are all excited about Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday…but when we talk about The Holidays, it’s all about Christmas!  There is an excitement that builds as we move towards that big day, which typically centers around the presents!  Whether you are a young child so excited about what you will . . . Read More »

What Is Worship? What Does It Do? What Can Block Us From It?

This fall we are in a very important conversation.  What we are talking about is incredibly important, but I would also say it is the most ignored area of our lives.  We are talking about and focusing on the soul.  This has allowed us to talk about the areas of our lives that so many of us are struggling with these days, our inner worlds, and our emotional and mental health.  I think for many of us we just . . . Read More »

What If You Viewed Church As God’s Word Says We Should?

Welcome to a brand-new series in a brand-new year, and I’m just going to say it’s a very important series built around a very important question.  What is the point of church?  This is a conversation that Ken, and I have been excited to talk about for a couple of reasons.  First, this conversation is really the next step or just simply a continuation of what we were talking with you about this fall.  If you remember all . . . Read More »

How To Be Grateful

Janelle Hail I am Second video. Janelle’s story shows us the power of gratitude. She said: “I looked at my hands and held them out saying, “Thank you, God, that I have two hands to work for you. I have two feet to go where you want me to go. I have a mouth to speak for you.” At that moment, gratitude overtook me and erased the scar on my heart.” – Janelle Hail Founder/CEO of National Breast . . . Read More »

Peace In KNOWING Who You Are

So today we are closing down the Gratitude series, and you know for a lot of this, myself included a series on being grateful just couldn’t have come at a better time.  It’s amazing how as we get running through this busy and cluttered world, how quickly we can forget all that we have to be grateful for.  I think that is why so much of this series really nailed our hearts.  Because we live in a world . . . Read More »

What’s the Point of Church and My Life?

We live in a world at war. We have incredible value but life has torn us a apart and we have concluded that we are bad. Think about where you work, do you see the battle? Think about the community you live in, do you see that battle? Think about your own marriage and family, the battle is intense isn’t? This past weekend I was a part of a golf tournament at Penn State. A group of us . . . Read More »

Focusing On What You Have

You know it has been really interesting to me how many of my talks with you have come back to this idea of focus.  Focus sure has been coming up a lot lately, and it seems to come up in scripture a lot too.  We are to focus on God, we are to fix our attention on Him.  Paul says it this way… 2 Corinthians 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on . . . Read More »

How Do You Treat Your Kid’s Coach?

How do people treat their kids volunteer coach? Have you been to a sports field to watch what happens? Or maybe in a gym? Parents will lose their minds over what position their kid plays and if they win or lose. If you are in the stands listening to them talk, what do you hear? All the negative comments about the coach, the other team, the playing conditions – right? We won’t even talk about what is said . . . Read More »