8 Mistakes We Make With People & How To Avoid Them

Well, it is hard to believe, but summer is coming to an end. With that, we find ourselves in the last topic of our summer Bible study, The Simple Questions of Jesus.  The last few times I was with you, we were looking into an important question from Jesus, a question so big with so many different answers and challenges that there was no way to contain it in one talk.  This question from Jesus is one that . . . Read More »

8 Mistakes We Make With People & How To Avoid Them

The conclusion of The Simple Questions fo Jesus series!

Our Hopes, Dreams, & Prayers For Our Spiritual Family

The God Questions Series Begins!

Avoiding The Comparing & Competing With Others Trap

This fall we are in an incredibly important conversation talking about the most important and ignored area of our lives, we are talking about our soul.  It’s been a journey that started by establishing something very important.  We are spiritual beings with a soul.  Our soul is what gives us life, it is what makes you, you.  This makes our souls so important, and we must care for it.  If we do, it becomes the source of life and . . . Read More »

The Challenge Of Seeing Ourselves As God Does, In A World Trying To Ensure We Don’t

You know the other day I was thinking about something Paul said towards the end of Romans, and it’s stuck in my heart and mind lately. This is something that I don’t think too many of us people…and even us Christians who believe Christ lives in us can see or accept about ourselves. Romans 15:14 I am fully convinced, my dear brothers and sisters, that you are full of goodness… NLT Paul says he is convinced that you . . . Read More »

Solomon’s Offering You A Time Machine

Have you ever felt like there just aren’t enough hours in the day?  Do you feel like you are just always behind, and will never get it all done?  Does it feel like you are always chasing life, and never able to catch up?  If you stop and think today, could you describe your life as a constant game of 52-card pick-up?  You are always chasing, never able to get ahead.  You wake up stressed, in a hurry, . . . Read More »

If God Is For Us Who or What Ever Could Stop or Discourage Us?

Today is a very special day, it’s a combined service where both Heidlersburg and Dillsburg get to worship together.  This is something we always wanted as we plant churches, for all of us to have opportunities like this because we truly are one church in multiple locations.  We are also right in the middle of a really important conversation that centers around one very important and popular question.  That question is what is the point of church?  Quite . . . Read More »

Our Real Life and What We Set Our Hearts and Minds On.

Summer Study on Colossians Continues

The Cost of Insecurity and People Pleasing

Today, we will give you a test.  It’s ‘thee’ test to see if you struggle with being insecure and if it is impacting your relationship with others and God.  How will we do that today?  We will be looking into the life of one of the key leaders in the Old Testament and the decisions he made.  He was insecure.  He was a people pleaser.  He struggled to be fully surrendered to God.  And because of that, he . . . Read More »