This fall we are in an incredibly important conversation talking about the most important and ignored area of our lives, we are talking about our soul. It’s been a journey that started by establishing something very important. We are spiritual beings with a soul. Our soul is what gives us life, it is what makes you, you. This makes our souls so important, and we must care for it. If we do, it becomes the source of life and . . . Read More »
What Is Worship? What Does It Do? What Can Block Us From It?
This fall we are in a very important conversation. What we are talking about is incredibly important, but I would also say it is the most ignored area of our lives. We are talking about and focusing on the soul. This has allowed us to talk about the areas of our lives that so many of us are struggling with these days, our inner worlds, and our emotional and mental health. I think for many of us we just . . . Read More »
Being A Christian Is Really Hard If You Don’t Understand God’s Love & Believe It Is True For You
We have been in a big conversation this year that has all been built around one very specific and popular question. That question is, what’s the point of church? This has been a lot of fun and has given us an opportunity to explore just how important, and often misunderstood, church and church life can be. We have been able to talk about the truth behind what church should be, and what it should not be, and we . . . Read More »
The Danger Of Greed Is How Much Farther It Reaches Than Our Pocket Books
We have been in an awesome conversation this year called Rise Up & Stand Firm. I’m thinking that at this point, if you have been walking with us, you are seeing just how significant this series is and also how personal and relevant this is to our lives. I know it has meant a lot to me on a personal level, because we are talking about standing up as the people that God created us to be in . . . Read More »
Why Worry?
Good morning! Last week, Ken talked about everyone’s favorite subject: money. Have you ever thought about the fact that the reason we hate talking about it so much is because of how much of an influence it has over our lives? We work each and every day for: money. We do or don’t do things because of: money. What we want we have to buy with: money. So we always seem to need more, so that we can . . . Read More »
Keeping Your Focus
I have to tell you, I have really enjoyed this series so far. We kicked off 2018, and our church with this idea of making a commitment to being different in 2018 and beyond. So by now you are probably picking up on the idea that here at MRC we want you to be engaging God in such a way that you are different from your encounter with Him. That is a really big deal to us, because life change means . . . Read More »
Why Fuss At All? – Jesus
This past summer, we got a dog. I like to refer to her as a nine pound pooper. My family likes to call her Daisy. I was against getting the dog, and of course, the family of women I live with, was all for it. My daughter helped me by creating a chart. The chart showed me that if we buy the dog, over time, my happiness scale would go up. It was a very well done chart, . . . Read More »
Worship…a moment vs a Lifestyle
You know there are moments in my life when I’m really aware of God. How about you? There are moments in my life when I am full of worship for Him. For me I am so focused on Him in those moments looking at the sunrise or the sunset. It’s like I can feel God tapping me on the shoulder and saying “Hey Sam…look at what I have done.” And it always amazes me. Often times when I . . . Read More »
Why Do I Need God?
I don’t know about you, but there have been times in my life when I have wondered what God was up to. There have been times in my life when I have wondered if God cared at all. There have also been times in my life, when I questioned whether there was a God at all. Have you ever been there? You know what is really interesting about that? When I really stop and think about those moments . . . Read More »
So What’s Wrong With Wanting Nice Things?
Did you ever really want something? I mean like really want it? I can tell you what that something was for me as a kid. I really wanted a pair of Michael Jordan sneakers. I mean I really wanted them. I couldn’t stop thinking about them. See I grew up in a time where we were shifting from sneakers just being something you cover your feet with, to sneakers being something you had to have to be cool. . . . Read More »