The Most Challenging, Most Ignored, & Most Important Life Principle Found In Our Bibles

Welcome back everyone to our study of the book of Proverbs where we are learning the way of the wise.  Today we are talking about the most important and most ignored principle of life that we find in our Bibles.  This is something we feel the ramifications of in our daily lives.  If we understand this principle and apply it to our lives our lives are just better, if we don’t understand this principle and ignore it or . . . Read More »

Walking With God, Is It Spiritual Or Is It Practical?

Today, we talk about how to live out the Christian life.  Is it practical or is it spiritual?  How, as disciples of Jesus, do we take on the day?  We ask, as a Christian, how do you live with a successful mindset?   I want to start with two stories.  Story 1.  A man came to Church, and he looked tired.  He shared with me why he looked tired.  His wife left him.  His daughter wouldn’t talk to him.  . . . Read More »

How Do I Experience God?

We are walking through the book of Proverbs.  What makes Proverbs so great is how clear it is.  And as we read Proverbs, it forces us to decide how we will live out our life.  There is a wise way to live and a foolish way to live.  You can choose to be wise or be a fool.  Proverbs doesn’t stop there.  Proverbs then explains the ramifications of the choice you make.  You can choose to be wise . . . Read More »

The Wise Are Always Learning, Growing, and Listening

Welcome to week 5 of our study of the book of Proverbs, a journey to learning the way of the wise.  We hope you are enjoying this study of Solomon’s Manual of Living and that you are actively walking through the book of Proverbs with us throughout the week either by following the study guide daily through social media or by following the study guide from the weekly email that comes out every Sunday.  Today marks the halfway . . . Read More »

Solomon’s Offering You A Time Machine

Have you ever felt like there just aren’t enough hours in the day?  Do you feel like you are just always behind, and will never get it all done?  Does it feel like you are always chasing life, and never able to catch up?  If you stop and think today, could you describe your life as a constant game of 52-card pick-up?  You are always chasing, never able to get ahead.  You wake up stressed, in a hurry, . . . Read More »