A Radical New Understanding of Love

“There was once a man traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho. On the way he was attacked by robbers. They took his clothes, beat him up, and went off leaving him half-dead. 31 Luckily, a priest was on his way down the same road, but when he saw him he angled across to the other side. 32 Then a Levite religious man showed up; he also avoided the injured man. 33 “A Samaritan traveling the road came on him. . . . Read More »

Why Is Marriage Hard?

So last week we started a new series called on relationships…more specifically, marriage called “Marriage Warning” and frankly that sounds a little ominous doesn’t it?  It may even sounds a little negative or gloomy for church right?  I mean we really don’t want to hear about the challenges of something that is supposed to be so beautiful and romantic right?  It’s funny when we grow up and find that special someone we begin to dream of what life . . . Read More »

Why Did God Put Us Together?

I am thrilled to share with you that marriage is probably one of the most life giving relationships you can have. After 21 years with my wife, we have been through so much together. The tears, the laughter, the stress, the joy, all of it wrapped together has been amazing. I think what makes marriage so meaningful is time. Over time of love and grace and arguments, you experience life together. You build memories. You build intimacy. Kids, . . . Read More »

Powerful Prayers From Regular Me?

Today we are going to close down our study on the book of James and I have to say in many ways I will be sad to see this series go because it has really been a ton of fun.  James is an incredible book, and it really has meant a lot to me over the years and today I’m very excited to share with you one of my favorite verses in the Bible, I love it because . . . Read More »

Why God is Disappointing?

  The book of James is about growing up. It’s a great book that challenges us to understand the connection between faith and actions. If we have faith, if we have been impacted by God’s grace, then it should show up practically in our daily lives. That process is called, ‘growing up in Christ.’ James is so practical, we can use it to be our manual for Spiritual Growth. Probably the central verse in this whole letter is . . . Read More »