Are you a worshiper or a complainer?

  This week as I was preparing this message I had a quote from one of my favorite books keep coming to me.  Now I am about to read this quote, and it can be a bit polarizing but I want you to hear it, and think about this. “There are basically two types if people in the world: complainers and worshipers. And there isn’t much circumstantial difference between the two. Complainers will always find something to complain . . . Read More »

When you Show up, do you put Water or Gas on the Fire?

When you show up, do you put water or gas on the fire? Everyone has two buckets in their life. One bucket is filled with water, one bucket is filled with gas. As you walk through life, you have to deal with people and what they say. From gossip, criticism, negativity, you will have to deal with words that come out of the mouth of people. The junk that comes out of people’s mouths we call fire. In . . . Read More »

So Why’s It So Important to Think With The Mind of Christ?

Happy Father’s Day everyone, you know as a Father of four I can tell you that there really isn’t too many dull moments in my home.  There also aren’t too many moments that are just mine.  You know, those moments where you can just kick your feet up on a recliner and watch a game?  Those moments when no one wants or expects anything from you?  I don’t see too many of those, and I want to be . . . Read More »

Your Relationships Indicate How Healthy YOU Are… or are not

Your relationships indicate how healthy your heart is. It’s where the rubber meets the road. Think about the condition of the relationships you are in and ask yourself, “Are they healthy?” Your friendships, are they healthy? Your relationship with your family, are they healthy? Your marriage, is that healthy? Your work, church or community, are those relationships healthy? Chances are, if those relationships are struggling, it’s because of something in your heart. Scripture explains how Jesus lived. Let’s . . . Read More »

You Need To Be Perfect…wait, what?!??!?!?

You know we spend a lot of time trying to understand grace around here.  We do this because most of us have never experienced the amazing grace that we receive through Jesus.  We probably tell people we know what grace is, but we have never experienced it.  We have only ever felt the weight of all the things we aren’t doing, or what sins we are committing and to be honest, none of us can carry that weight . . . Read More »